The objective of the water component is to assist the MoWE improve the water services, particularly for the rural growth centers and small towns, by providing the least cost energy solutions to the communities. The main benefit will be all year-round, guaranteed water supplies to rural communities at affordable tariffs, based on the reduction in O&M costs of energy packages that will be used to power water supply systems. Other benefits include: increased water supply coverage, reduced investment, cleaner environment and improved sanitation and health. The MoWE has agreed, with support from MoFPED, to allocate a budget to cover the cost of maintenance and repair and, as in ERT-2, procurement and implementation of the solar PV systems will be carried out by the MoWE.
Providing the least cost energy solutions to the communities. The main benefit will be all year-round, guaranteed water supplies to rural communities at affordable tariffs, based on the reduction in O&M costs of energy packages that will be used to power water supply systems. Other benefits include: increased water supply coverage, reduced investment, cleaner environment and improved sanitation and health. The MoWE has agreed, with support from MoFPED, to allocate a budget to cover the cost of maintenance and repair and, as in ERT-2, procurement and implementation of the solar PV systems will be carried out by the MoWE.
Renewable energy is a symbol of a bright new future for Africa and for our planet. We aim to provide access to sustainable, high-quality energy systems and infrastructure across Sub-Saharan Africa.