Uganda – Solar Power Plant

UNHCR aids Uganda's government in establishing refugee registration facilities, but lacks reliable power, affecting productivity.




SUPPLY, INSTALLATION AND COMMISSING OF SOLAR POWER PLANTS IN UGANDA. Background UNHCR, the Refugee Agency, in its support role to the Government of Uganda in Refugee matters in setting registration facilities at the point of delivery (where refugees are and can easily be reached) in order to collate, authenticate and update the necessary data on real time basis. The locations in question are in Midwest and Northern, South West and West Nile regions of Uganda. These facilities will be using online platform which requires constant power supply to ensure system availability. The delivery points where the services will be established lack reliable power as such it negatively impacts productivity.

  • Uganda
  • Hybrid System
  • 81 kWp



To provide reliable and sustainable power supply to the registration centres. To provide a power system with minimum capacity of 5.246kWp. Minimize running cost on the power source (supplies, repair and maintenance). Minimize human intervention in terms of system operation (man-hours to switch ON/OFF power supply

UNDP Liberia Solar for Health Project provides renewable energy to 12 health facilities. – YouTube

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Impact DriveN solar infrastructure solutions

Renewable energy is a symbol of a bright new future for Africa and for our planet. We aim to provide access to sustainable, high-quality energy systems and infrastructure across Sub-Saharan Africa.

CAA Energy map
SVG 3: Good health and well-being


Health Centers electrified
SVG 4: Quality Education


Schools electrified
SVG 6: Clean water and Sanitation


Water Sites installed
SVG 7: Affordable and Clean energy


Total Solar Systems installed

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